




  Should people only try to change themselves or should they try to change the world?

  “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” quoted from Winston Churchill. Improvement calls for changes both in individuals and in the world. Take the example of Nick Vujicic as a persuading example to illustrate this point.

  “If God can use a man without arms and legs to be His hands and feet, then He will certainly use any willing heart! ” is cited from Nicolas Vujicic. Born in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia, without any medical explanation or warning, Nicholas Vujicic came into the world limbless, missing both arms at shoulder level, as well as legs. Where legs are located, he has a small foot with two toes. Initially, his parents were devastated, though Vujicic was otherwise healthy. But his parents did not resort to futile complaining, they decided to face the undecided future with their son together. Change yourself, you may change the world as well.

  During his childhood, Nick not only needwed to deal with atypical challenges of school and bulling among peers, but also struggled with endless depression and loneliness. Australia law prohibited disabled child like Nick to enter mainstream schools because of the physical disability, but because of a changing on law, Nick became one of the first disabled student to join the mainstream school system. Even though Nick was allowed to study with ordinary students, he regularly questioned why he was born different with most of other children. He asked himself why he was the only one born without arms and legs and wondered what the meaning behind life was. Since he was bullied constantly during school, he grew depressed at the age of eight. After several failed suicides, he realized that God did create us to be useful to others. He decided to change his view of himself. “I decided to be grateful, not angry. I also hope someday to be like him. That’s incredible to help and inspire many people!” He realized that his life still could be useful. Nick started to grasp basic daily living skills. He learned how to write by using his only two toes on his left foot with a special grip technique. Then he began to learn to use computers by a self-invent method called “heel and toe”. Soon he could even throw tennis balls, get a glass of water and even answer the phone call. Sense of depression soon faded away and Nick became popular among his peers. He was elected to be the captain of MacGregor State School. He gave lectures and talks to prayers and local charities at the age of seventeen.Nick eventually established a nonprofit organization named “Life Without Limbs”.

  Nick’s words and deeds change his tragic life into a fabulous success. The whole world is shocked and impressed by a limbless boy. No one can deny he changes the world. More and more people see hope through Nick.
