



  在雅思口语当中, 同学们肯定都知道适当的使用俚语,不仅可以让你的表达更加地道,而且 很显然可以表示你对英语语言掌握的灵活度 , 但是很多同学不知道如何正确使用, 用起来不掌握要领反而会弄巧成拙, 今天带大家说说俚语那些事,赶紧小笔记下来, 拿去用吧。



  Just like a saying goes ….或者 as a saying goes … 正如古话所说

  这是开头,那如何运用在我们口语各个话题中呢? 请接着看…

  例1 : Do you think that neighbours are very important ?

  Yes , of course , since just as a saying goes “ A distant relative is not as good as a near neighbor “ 远亲不如近邻

  例2 How could internet affect children ?

  Well, basically , every coin has two sides , and internet could be a double-edge sword for kids “凡事都有两面性,因特网对孩子来说就是一把双刃剑“

  例3 what is your favorite time of the day ?

  Basically , I love morning most , since “an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening “ ( 一日之计在于晨) ,my efficiency tends to be quit high , that is the reason

  接下来是又如何运用到part2 话题中

  例1: part2 话题:Describe something important that you lost ( 丢失的重要的东西 )

  假如说的是丢失了手机 , 可运用如下语料

  Every cloud has a silve lining 每道乌云都有一条银边, 形容天无绝人之路, 黑暗当中的一缕曙光

  at that moment , I wasn totally and utterly desperate and helpless , but every cloud has a silver lining , my father eventually got me a new cell phone to cheer me up .

  在那个时候, 我感到极度地绝望和无助, 但是天无绝人之路, 我爸最终给我买了新的手机使我开心

  例2 : part2 开心经历:Describe a happy experience you had before

  假如说一次开心的旅行经历, 你就可以用如下语料

  variety is the spice of life 变化是生活的调味品

  I love the variety and diversity that traveling brought me , since it can provide me a chance to experience something that I would never have back home . that is why people saying ‘ variety is the spice of life “

  我喜欢旅行带给我的变化和多样性, 因为我能感受到在家里没有的体验,这就是为什么人们会说变化是生活的调味品

